Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I made it to Argentina!

Wow! I have been living in Buenos Aires, Argentina for exactly one week today! And what a week this has been. It feels like it has been much longer than one week. I think this is because within this one week, pretty much everything about the way I live my life has changed.

It's hard to describe the feelings that I had as I said goodbye to my parents and left for Argentina. I felt a mixture of excitement, fear, nervousness, peace, and happiness. During my last few moments I felt a bit ridiculous for moving to Argentina without knowing Spanish and only knowing three people. But alas, after a few tears, I left. My first stop was in Houston. As I sat in the airport eating dinner by myself it hit me...It was just me and God. No one else. And so I prayed, "God you better have a plan and You better be taking care of me!"

Whenever I arrived in Argentina I went through customs quickly and easily. The Berryman's and Ashley had not arrived to pick me up yet and so I waited. After 30 minutes I thought that it might be a good idea to call them. I went to a "communication center" and attempted to use the phone. I dialed the number and instead of hearing the phone ring, I heard the operator saying something in Spanish. I had no idea how to call, no idea how to ask someone how to call, and no idea how to pay the lady for my attempted phone call. Of course Jared, Karina, and Ashley came for me a few minutes after this. I was very excited/relieved to see them!

This experience in the airport made me fully aware of just how new and different this place is. Here I am, just like a baby learning everything from scratch. Argentina has a completely different language, pace, people, food, and culture than my home in Lubbock, Texas. I am learning, just as a baby, how to live here. I am learning by studying, experiencing, praying, tasting, and by making cultural mistakes. Right now I have so many things to process and to think about.

Jared and Karina are absolutely amazing. I already feel like they are my family. They are great mentors and I can't wait to watch and learn from them. Right now Karina is teaching me Spanish and Jared is putting me through "boot camp" on how to spread the Word. Every day we pray and spend time together. I can already feel God transforming my heart.

I moved into my apartment on Friday. I love my Argentine family!!!! I live with Sofi and Grace. Sofi and I have already become good friends. We have hung out every night entirely too late. Grace is wonderful and spoils me with amazing food. They even re-decorated my room before I came and it is super cute!

One thing is for sure. Every day that I am here, I feel more and more sure that the Lord has called me to be in Argentina at this time. He is revealing His mission piece by piece...Already!!!

Throughout last week God reminded me several times that, "He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son He loves." Colossians 1:13 May we all be thankful and serve our Lord today!